Asset - Video (Create)


Note: This page describes video assets that appear in the Create product.

For the videos that appear in the Now product please see Asset - Video


ProfileAssetAn individual piece of content.
TypeVideoA video.

Important Metadata

IdThe unique id of the content item
First CreatedThe timestamp of when the first version of this content item was published.
Version CreatedThe timestamp of when the most recent version of this content item was published.
ContentThe main content of the item.

In the case of a video item this is a fragment of HTML that contains an embed video player that will play this video.

This can be used on client applications to render the video.
TopicPA Specific metadata to define an event or story.

For more information please see Subject FAQs.
KeywordPA Specific metadata to define an event or story.

For more information please see Subject FAQs.
ServiceThe service that this content is part of inside of a product.

For more information please see Service FAQ.
ThumbnailThe URL to retrieve the Video's Image thumbnial from.

The thumbnail is useful for displaying before a user has pressed to play the video.
Usage TermsA description on how this video can be used.
ExpiryCertain video are only visible and useable for a set period of time.

This field will give the Datetime that the video will expire and disappear from Content API responses.
Production DownloadThe URL to retrieve the production Video file from.

Please see the Download section below.

Ninjs (JSON)


curl \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "apikey: <API KEY>" \


    "uri": "c8f0d013-9cde-4c71-bc4a-f4486ffd4813",
    "type": "video",
    "profile": "asset",
    "version": "1",
    "firstcreated": "2021-02-02T18:08:02Z",
    "versioncreated": "2021-02-02T18:08:02Z",
    "issued": "2021-02-02T18:08:02Z",
    "urgency": 6,
    "pubstatus": "usable",
    "copyrightholder": "PA",
    "copyrightnotice": "PA",
    "language": "en",
    "byline": "Matt King",
    "headline": "Tributes paid to Captain Sir Tom Moore",
    "description_text": "The Queen, The Prime Minister and former England cricket captain Michael Vaughan are among the scores of people paying tribute to Captain Sir Tom Moore.",
    "body_text": "The Queen, The Prime Minister and former England cricket captain Michael Vaughan are among the scores of people paying tribute to Captain Sir Tom Moore.",
    "body_html": "<!-- EMBED START StreamAMG --><div id=\"streamamg_player_1612289412205\" style=\"width: 100%; height: 360px\" data-player-config='{\"partner\": \"3001090\",\"uiConf\": \"30024158\",\"entryId\": \"0_101v492i\"}'></div><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></script><!-- EMBED END StreamAMG -->",
    "subject": [
            "code": "patopic:death",
            "name": "Death",
            "profile": "patopic",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "about"
            "code": "pakeyword:captaintom",
            "name": "CaptainTom",
            "profile": "pakeyword",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "about"
            "code": "pavideotype:consumer-ready",
            "name": "Consumer Ready",
            "profile": "pavideotype:consumer",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "classifiedAs"
            "code": "paservice:news",
            "name": "News",
            "profile": "paservice",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "partOf"
            "code": "tag:na",
            "name": "NA",
            "profile": "tag",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "about"
            "code": "tag:captain-sir-tom-moore",
            "name": "Captain sir tom moore",
            "profile": "tag",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "about"
            "code": "tag:queen",
            "name": "Queen",
            "profile": "tag",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "about"
            "code": "tag:pm",
            "name": "Pm",
            "profile": "tag",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "about"
            "code": "tag:prime-minister",
            "name": "Prime minister",
            "profile": "tag",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "about"
            "code": "tag:michael-vaughan",
            "name": "Michael vaughan",
            "profile": "tag",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "about"
            "code": "tag:priti-patel",
            "name": "Priti patel",
            "profile": "tag",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "about"
            "code": "tag:nicola-sturgeon",
            "name": "Nicola sturgeon",
            "profile": "tag",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "about"
            "code": "tag:gary-lineker",
            "name": "Gary lineker",
            "profile": "tag",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "about"
            "code": "tag:death",
            "name": "Death",
            "profile": "tag",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "about"
            "code": "tag:nhs",
            "name": "Nhs",
            "profile": "tag",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "about"
            "code": "tag:coronavirus",
            "name": "Coronavirus",
            "profile": "tag",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "about"
            "code": "tag:michael-ball",
            "name": "Michael ball",
            "profile": "tag",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "about"
            "code": "tag:eddie-izzard",
            "name": "Eddie izzard",
            "profile": "tag",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "about"
            "code": "tag:archbishop-of-canterbury",
            "name": "Archbishop of canterbury",
            "profile": "tag",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "about"
            "code": "tag:royal-family",
            "name": "Royal family",
            "profile": "tag",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "about"
            "code": "contributor:pa",
            "name": "PA",
            "profile": "contributor",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "contributedBy"
            "code": "contributor:streamamg",
            "name": "StreamAMG",
            "profile": "contributor",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "contributedBy"
            "code": "provider:streamamg",
            "name": "StreamAMG",
            "profile": "provider",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "providedBy"
            "code": "paservice:news:uk",
            "name": "UK",
            "profile": "paservice",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "partOf"
    "event": [
            "code": "paevent:7b91f2b66bad94d98e336a590ae25a224051b499843c3b5454629862ec5fdf77",
            "name": "Death CaptainTom 02/02/2021",
            "profile": "paevent",
            "scheme": "",
            "rel": "partOf"
    "renditions": {
        "thumbnail": {
            "width": 1920,
            "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
            "href": "",
            "title": "Video Thumbnail",
            "height": 1080
        "original": {
            "width": 1920,
            "mimetype": "video/mp4",
            "href": "",
            "title": "Production Video",
            "height": 1080
    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": ""

Important Metadata Mappings

NameJSON Path
First Createdfirstcreated
Version Createdversioncreated
Topicsubject[?(@.profile == 'patopic')]
Keywordsubject[?(@.profile == 'pakeyword')]
Servicesubject[?(@.profile == 'paservice')]
Usage Termsusageterms
Production Downloadrenditions.original.href



curl \
  -H "Accept: application/atom+xml" \
  -H "apikey: <API KEY>" \


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<feed xmlns="" xmlns:media="" xmlns:opensearch="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:pa="" xmlns:snf="">
    <title>Press Association: Content API</title>
    <link href="" rel="self"/>
            <name>Matt King</name>
            <![CDATA[Tributes paid to Captain Sir Tom Moore]]>
        <link rel="self" href=""/>
        <link rel="alternate" href=""/>
        <link rel="related" href=""/>
        <rights>Please credit: LBC. Up to 3 minutes of footage is cleared for editorial use only on television and online – no social media.</rights>
        <summary type="text">
            <![CDATA[The Queen, The Prime Minister and former England cricket captain Michael Vaughan are among the scores of people paying tribute to Captain Sir Tom Moore.]]>
        <content type="html">
            <!-- EMBED START StreamAMG -->
            <div id="streamamg_player_1612289412205" style="width: 100%; height: 360px" data-player-config='{"partner": "3001090","uiConf": "30024158","entryId": "0_101v492i"}'></div>
            <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
            <!-- EMBED END StreamAMG -->]]>
        <category term="patopic:death" scheme="urn:pa:subject:patopic" label="Death"/>
        <category term="pakeyword:captaintom" scheme="urn:pa:subject:pakeyword" label="CaptainTom"/>
        <category term="pavideotype:consumer-ready" scheme="urn:pa:subject:pavideotype:consumer" label="Consumer Ready"/>
        <category term="paservice:news" scheme="urn:pa:subject:paservice" label="News"/>
        <category term="tag:na" scheme="urn:pa:subject:tag" label="NA"/>
        <category term="tag:captain-sir-tom-moore" scheme="urn:pa:subject:tag" label="Captain sir tom moore"/>
        <category term="tag:queen" scheme="urn:pa:subject:tag" label="Queen"/>
        <category term="tag:pm" scheme="urn:pa:subject:tag" label="Pm"/>
        <category term="tag:prime-minister" scheme="urn:pa:subject:tag" label="Prime minister"/>
        <category term="tag:michael-vaughan" scheme="urn:pa:subject:tag" label="Michael vaughan"/>
        <category term="tag:priti-patel" scheme="urn:pa:subject:tag" label="Priti patel"/>
        <category term="tag:nicola-sturgeon" scheme="urn:pa:subject:tag" label="Nicola sturgeon"/>
        <category term="tag:gary-lineker" scheme="urn:pa:subject:tag" label="Gary lineker"/>
        <category term="tag:death" scheme="urn:pa:subject:tag" label="Death"/>
        <category term="tag:nhs" scheme="urn:pa:subject:tag" label="Nhs"/>
        <category term="tag:coronavirus" scheme="urn:pa:subject:tag" label="Coronavirus"/>
        <category term="tag:michael-ball" scheme="urn:pa:subject:tag" label="Michael ball"/>
        <category term="tag:eddie-izzard" scheme="urn:pa:subject:tag" label="Eddie izzard"/>
        <category term="tag:archbishop-of-canterbury" scheme="urn:pa:subject:tag" label="Archbishop of canterbury"/>
        <category term="tag:royal-family" scheme="urn:pa:subject:tag" label="Royal family"/>
        <category term="contributor:pa" scheme="urn:pa:subject:contributor" label="PA"/>
        <category term="contributor:streamamg" scheme="urn:pa:subject:contributor" label="StreamAMG"/>
        <category term="provider:streamamg" scheme="urn:pa:subject:provider" label="StreamAMG"/>
        <category term="paservice:news:uk" scheme="urn:pa:subject:paservice" label="UK"/>
        <category term="profile:asset" scheme="urn:pa:content:profile" label="asset"/>
        <category term="type:video" scheme="urn:pa:content:type" label="video"/>
        <media:content url="" type="video/mp4" width="1920" height="1080">
            <media:category scheme="urn:pa:media:rendition">original</media:category>
        <media:thumbnail url="" width="1920" height="1080"/>

Important Metadata Mappings

NameJSON Path
First Created//feed/entry/published
Version Created//feed/entry/updated
Usage Terms//feed/entry/rights
Production Download//feed/entry/media:content/@url

To verify it is the correct rendition then //feed/entry/media:content/media:category should have a value of 'original'



curl \
  -H "Accept: application/rss+xml" \
  -H "apikey: <API KEY>" \


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:content="" xmlns:media="" xmlns:opensearch="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:pa="" xmlns:snf="">
        <title>Press Association: Content API</title>
        <description>A collection of content items</description>
        <atom:link href="" rel="self"/>
        <lastBuildDate>Wed, 03 Feb 2021 17:08:53 GMT</lastBuildDate>
            <title>Tributes paid to Captain Sir Tom Moore</title>
            <pubDate>Tue, 02 Feb 2021 18:08:02 GMT</pubDate>
            <dcterms:abstract>The Queen, The Prime Minister and former England cricket captain Michael Vaughan are among the scores of people paying tribute to Captain Sir Tom Moore.</dcterms:abstract>
            <dc:creator>PA Media</dc:creator>
            <dc:rights>Please credit: LBC. Up to 3 minutes of footage is cleared for editorial use only on television and online – no social media.</dc:rights>
            <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
                <!-- EMBED START StreamAMG -->
                <div id="streamamg_player_1612289412205" style="width: 100%; height: 360px" data-player-config='{"partner": "3001090","uiConf": "30024158","entryId": "0_101v492i"}'></div>
                <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
                <!-- EMBED END StreamAMG -->]]>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:patopic">Death</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:pakeyword">CaptainTom</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:pavideotype:consumer">Consumer Ready</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:paservice">News</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:tag">NA</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:tag">Captain sir tom moore</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:tag">Queen</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:tag">Pm</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:tag">Prime minister</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:tag">Michael vaughan</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:tag">Priti patel</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:tag">Nicola sturgeon</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:tag">Gary lineker</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:tag">Death</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:tag">Nhs</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:tag">Coronavirus</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:tag">Michael ball</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:tag">Eddie izzard</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:tag">Archbishop of canterbury</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:tag">Royal family</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:contributor">PA</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:contributor">StreamAMG</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:provider">StreamAMG</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:subject:paservice">UK</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:content:profile">asset</category>
            <category domain="urn:pa:content:type">video</category>
            <media:content url="" type="video/mp4" width="1920" height="1080">
                <media:category scheme="urn:pa:media:rendition">original</media:category>
            <media:thumbnail url="" width="1920" height="1080"/>

Important Metadata Mappings

NameJSON Path
First Created//rss/channel/item/dcterms:created
Version Created//rss/channel/item/dcterms:modified
Usage Terms//rss/channel/item/dc:rights
Production Download//rss/channel/item/media:content/@url

To verify it is the correct rendition then //rss/channel/item/media:content/media:category should have a value of 'original'

Video Type

All of the Videos availble in Create fall into one of two types:

  • Consumer Ready - A video that has been edited and is ready for the general public.
  • Newsroom Ready - A raw video that is suitable for a news room to edit and distribute themselves.

A subject will be present on each video to denote which type it is.

Ninjs (JSON)

  subject: [
      "code": "pavideotype:newsroom-ready",
      "name": "Newsroom Ready",
      "profile": "pavideotype:newsroom",
      "scheme": "",
      "rel": "classifiedAs"


<category term="pavideotype:newsroom-ready" scheme="urn:pa:subject:pavideotype:newsroom" label="Newsroom Ready"/>


<category domain="urn:pa:subject:pavideotype:newsroom">Newsroom Ready</category>

It is possible to query Content API to only return a feed of a specified type using the andSubject parameter.

Consumer Ready

curl \
  -H "Accept: application/rss+xml" \
  -H "apikey: <API KEY>" \

Newsroom Ready

curl \
  -H "Accept: application/rss+xml" \
  -H "apikey: <API KEY>" \


The video download is only available if you are entitled to download videos. If you aren't entitled and would like to be please speak to your account manager.

To access the download URL you need to fetch the entire video item as described above.

The download URL is time limited link so it will need to be refreshed every time it needs to be accessed.

Each link lasts for 5 minutes. The link will return a 400 BAD REQUEST if it has timed out.